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V / Z


Vadia - Slut
Vagabundo (work) - A loafer; a layabout
Vagabundo (sex) - Male whore; man slut
Vagão - Railroad car
Validade - Due date
Vale refeição - Luncheon voucher
Valer, É pra - It's for real

Valer, Para - In earnest
Valorizar - Appreciate
Vamos nessa! - Let's go for it!
Vaquinha, Fazer - Chip in; club together; take up a collection:             They took up a collection to buy the gift. They chipped in to ...
Vereador - City councillor
Vermelho, No - At a loss: sell, operate at a loss 

Vencer (uma conta) - Fall due
Vencida (conta) - Past due  
Vibrador - Dildo 

Viciado - Junky
Vidraceiro - Glazier
Vigarista - Scammer; con man
Vira-lata (Cachorro) - Mutt; mongrel
Visado (carro) - Targeted
Vitamina (de frutas) - Fruit smoothie
Voando, Estar (distraído) - Spaced out, Be
Vontade, Fazer a - To humor

Vontade, Estar com - Have a mind to do something / Have the urge to do something: Have the urge to go to the bathroom.

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