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To be


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O que é o verbo to be, afinal?

Ir para Gramática sobre texto para estudar o verbo to be com a apostila e vários exercícios que se completam.

Present form of the verb to be

The affirmative

I am                 eu sou, eu estou       
You are            você é, você está
He is                ele é, ele está
She is              ela é, ela está
It is                  ele/ela é, ele/ela está (para objetos)
We are             nós somos, nós estamos
You are            você são, vocês estão
They are           eles/elas são, eles/elas estão

The negative

I am not                I'm not
You are not           you're not, you aren't
He is not               he's not, he isn't
She is not             she's not, she isn't
It is not                 it's not, it isn't
We are not            we're not, we aren't
You are not           you're not, you aren't
They are not          they're not, they aren't

The interrogative

Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?

Past form of the verb to be

The affirmative

I was - eu estava, eu era
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were

The negative

I was not - I wasn't
You were not - you weren't
He was not - he wasn't
She was not - she wasn't
It was not - it wasn't
We were not - we weren't
You were not - we weren't
They were not - they weren't

The interrogative

Was I?
Were you?
Was he?
Was she?
Was it?
Were we?
Were you?
Were they?

Professor particular de inglês em Curitiba

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